You don’t want your CDO to become the Chief Desolate Office.

Avoid making the wrong appointments in the C-suite.

Make sustainable hiring decisions with certified assessment centers.
Look for our label.

Certified Assessment Center Quality
You don’t want your CEO to become the Chief Error Officer.

Avoid making the wrong appointments in the C-suite.

Make sustainable hiring decisions with certified assessment centers.
Look for our label.

Certified Assessment Center Quality
You don’t want your CFO to become the Chief Failure Officer.

Avoid making the wrong appointments in the C-suite.

Make sustainable hiring decisions with certified assessment centers.
Look for our label.

Certified Assessment Center Quality
You don’t want your COO to become the Chief Obsolete Officer.

Avoid making the wrong appointments in the C-suite.

Make sustainable hiring decisions with certified assessment centers.
Look for our label.

Certified Assessment Center Quality

Swiss Assessment

Swiss Assessment is an association of AC experts who work in large companies, universities, administration or management consultancies.

The goal of Swiss Assessment is

  • to contribute to the quality assurance and to the further development of the Assessment Center (AC) method,
  • to foster the exchange of knowledge and experience, and
  • to act as a central point of contact for a variety of questions about AC.

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